Laura Jack, L.M.P.

Massage therapist treating a client.



If you’re looking for a professional massage therapist who genuinely cares about your well being, you have come to the right place.

As a transformational life coach and massage therapist, I specialize in customized therapeutic relief.  I support people who have experienced loss on their healing journey.  Each massage is customized to your body and your needs.  

While I am trained in a variety of massage modalities, I also incorporate coaching and visualizations for those who want deeper transformation.  I also offer stretches and other techniques that allow you to maintain ease.  

When you are ready to set up an appointment, click on "Contact Me" and send me a message. 

Massage and coaching changed my life and I look forward to changing yours.

To learn more about my coaching practice, please visit 



 License:  MA60103788